Ramneek graduated the Dental Hygiene program from Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Regina with extensive training in preventative dental techniques, patient education and clinical expertise. Through careful assessments, cleaning procedures and the development of personalized care plans, Ramneek strives to ensure that each patient feels comfortable and informed throughout their dental experience. She is passionate about fostering long-term relationships with patients, empowering them to take charge of their oral hygiene, and supports our dental team in delivering top-quality care.
Same-Day Appointments Available
- (519) 426-2273
- info@dentistryonnorfolk.com
132 Norfolk Street South
Simcoe, ON
N3Y 2W2
office hours
Mon - Wed: 8am - 5pm
Thu: 8am - 7pm
Fri: 8am - 1pm
Sat - Sun: Closed